Application Development

Our agile software development approach will provide strategic direction, expert engineering, and product management to get you to business quickly with what you need to be successful.

Dedicated Teams

What ultimately matters most in a Dedicated Team approach is not the billing schedule or the number of graduate degrees in the team but what that team, along with the company infrastructure, will do to ensure that the client’s project is successful.

Software Products

Was born as a software services company and has been succesfully delivers hundreds software developments, drive us to create some great software products.


Bening Has been developing and maintaining various SKK Migas SOT (Sistem Operasi Terpadu) for more than 5 years.​ Ready to support Oil & Gas KKKS (Kontraktor Kerja Sama) to run SOT better.

We Build Great Software

Whether you have an idea you want to validate, a product you need to build, or an existing product that needs optimization, we are created to jump in wherever needed. We have the expertise to drive business results and the track record to prove it.

Helping you find the right IT solutions

Bening grows with hiigh competences both in technology and business with all ingredients it needs to be the best partner in delivering high quality solution. Bening’s solution gives you more alternatives and better control over the future of your business than any other business solution providers.

Contact Us

PT Bening Guru Semesta, South Quarter Tower C LT. 10

Jl. R.A. Kartini Kav. 8 – Cilandak Barat , Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12430

Phone: 021 5098 2622 | Fax: 02 21 2985 7201 | Email: